Friday, November 30, 2012

AIM: How do we multiply binomials?

Notice All Classes:Test5 on Friday December 7
ME 12 Test topics will include but not limited to the following:

  1. Multiplying and dividing monomials
  2. Mulitplying and dividing polynomials by monomials
  3. Scientific Notation conversion and operations
  4. Simplifying or evaluating algebraic expressions
  5. Solving equations with variables on single or both sides, evaluating expressions, + others
  6. Multiplying polynomials by polynomials,
  7. Evaluating power to a power expressions
  8. Working with zero and negative exponents
Homework: Handout, complete both sides.

Lesson Review:
Practice Exercise:

Video Mini Lesson:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aim ME 12 How do we mulitply a polynomial by a monomial?

Homework: Complete all questions, both sides on handout worksheet and

Textbook pg 181-182 #'s 30-32, 38 - 54, 57, 64

Lesson Review:

Practice Exercise:

Mini Video Lesson:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aim; How do we solve compound inequalites that are conjunctions and disjunctions?


Monday Nov 19

Topics to be included:

See below

  • Percent problems
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Adding/subtracting polynomials
  • Consecutive integers
  • Solving multistep equations
  • Solving and graphing inequalities
  • Solving verbal inequalities
  • Solving and graphing compound inequalities
Homework: Textbook: Pgs 156 #32-36, 46, 47

Lesson Review: Practice Exercise:

Video Mini Lesson: