Monday, June 7, 2010

Aim:`How to prepare for the Final Exam?

The listed questions from the Regents Review are those that were listed and partially reviewed in class. For your reference these are repeated here with answers. For details on answer work outs and explanations for each question, link to the relevant Regents answer ink on the June 2 post below:

Page Problem # Multiple Choice Answer

2 --------9-------------------- 2
4 --------18------------------- 2
5 ------- 23------------------- 1
6------- 27 -------------------4
13 ------19 -------------------3
14------ 22------------------- 3
20 -------1 -------------------4
20------- 2 -------------------2
20 -------4 -------------------3
21 -------12 ------------------2
22 -------17 ------------------2
22 -------18------------------ 3
23 -------24 ------------------1
31 -------16------------------ 2
32------- 26------------------ 1
33 -------29 ------------------4
39------- 5------------------- 3
50------ -17----- -------------2
56 --------1 -------------------1
57 --------8 -------------------3